First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Please enter your best contact telephone number
Date of Birth
Please enter your current address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Are you a US Citizen or Work Visa Holder
Please indicate how frequent you are able to work
Part-Time (20 hours or less/week)
Full-Time (32 - 40 hours per week)
Guru Roles
Please select the Guru role(s) that you are interested in applying for.
Management Team
Adventure Outfitter
Ebike Tech
Lead Guide (only check if you have previous commercial guiding experience with canyoneering, climbing, or similar)
Do you have any of the following training?
Please select all that apply
Basic First Aid
Wilderness First Aid
Wilderness First Responder
PCGI Guide Certification
AMGA Guide Certification
ACA Guide Certification
Lead Climbing Experience
Other climbing training/experience
Other canyoneering training
Technical Canyoneering Experience
Other hiking training/experience
Outdoor Guiding Experience (camping, hiking, water sports, etc with clubs, schools, camps)
Commercial Guiding Experience
Teaching Experience
Leadership Training / Facilitation Experience
Retail Sales Experience
Management Experience
High School Graduate
College Graduate
Military Service
Foreign Language Fluency
Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Teacher Certification
Martial Arts
Public Speaking Skills
Savvy Computer Skills
Social Media Expertise
Photography Skills
Commercial Drivers License / Taxi License
Other Special Skills / Talents
Please tell us about any other pertinent skills, talents or offerings you may have.
Service is a very important part of our job. We endeavor to provide advanced customer service; listening to the customers wants, and honing in on what they really need and how we can best achieve that. We are ambassadors to Zion National Park and we must be able to openly and educationally serve our clients to help them have the safest, lowest impact, and best experience possible. Please describe your most recent experience being of service to others. How do maintain your enthusiasm to serve others day after day? What are ways you stay creative in answering similar questions multiple times a day?
First and foremost, at Zion Guru, we are educators who are working with new-comers to hiking, biking and canyoneering, who are captivated about exploring Zion National Park. Please tell us about your latest teaching experience. What role did you serve during the experience? Share a key learning moment for you during this experience?
Please share with us your best work experience. What made it so memorable? What areas did you excel in? Who was your favorite person to work with during that job? Why? Who did you least enjoy working with and why?
What hikes have you done in Zion?
Canyon Overlook
East Rim
West Rim
Angels Landing
Emerald Pools
Kayenta Trail
Weeping Rock
Observation Point
Hidden Canyon
Zion Narrows (Bottom-Up)
Zion Narrows (Top-Down)
Chinle Trail
Coalpits Wash
Northgate peaks
Taylor Creek
Kolob Arch
Hop Valley
None (But I'm willing to explore!)
What canyons have you done in Zion?
Subway (Left Fork)
Pine Creek
Birch Hollow
Fat Man's Misery
Right Fork of North Creek
Water Canyon
Yankee Doodle
Diana's Throne
Red Caves
Kolob Creek
Boundary Creek
None (But I'm willing to explore!)
Please Indicate Your First Available Start Date:
Work history
Please give your last two places of employment and a brief reason for leaving. (If applying for a guide position please tell us below the organizations you have guided for and who your supervisor was.)
Number commercial trips you have led
If applying for a guide position please let us know the number of commercial trips you have led:
Less than 50 trips
51 to 100 trips
101 to 200 trips
200 + trips